Homeopathy | The most comprehensive first aid homeopathy kit C30 | 37 remedies

€86,45 EUR

✔️ Drops: n/a
✔️ Suitable for: Internal use
✔️ Free shipping from €85
✔️ Ordered before 4:00 PM, delivered within 1-2 working days
✔️ Own CBD & Herb recipe

First aid kit

Help yourself with homeopathy

Every classical homeopath knows this very extensive first aid box with the 37 most diverse and obvious homeopathic remedies. From acute illnesses to first aid trauma resources. No matter how crazy you think, the relevant effective drug is in this box. In addition to the 37 homeopathic remedies, also a bottle of hypercal tincture , the homeopathic disinfectant that should certainly not be missing in your natural home and travel pharmacy.

What resources are in the first aid homeopathy box?

  • euphr. euphrasia
  • acon. aconite,
  • all-c. allium cepa
  • ferr-ph. ferrum phosphoricum
  • apis apis mellifica
  • gels. gelsemium
  • arn. arnica montana
  • hep. hepar-sulfuricum
  • ars. arsenicum album hyp.
  • hyp. hypericum
  • bell. belladonna
  • ipec. ipecacuanha
  • bry. bryonia
  • led. ledum pallustre
  • calen. calendula
  • Merc. mercury vivus
  • canth. cantharis
  • nux-v. nux-vomica
  • caps. capsicum
  • petr. petroleum
  • carb-v. carbo vegetabilis
  • phos. phosphorus
  • caust. causticum
  • pulse. pulsatilla nigricans
  • cham. chamomilla
  • rhus-t. rhus toxicodendron
  • cocc. coccululus
  • ruta ruta graveolens
  • coff coffea
  • jumped. spongia tosta
  • coloc. colocynthus
  • symph. symphitum officinalis
  • drs. drosera
  • tab. tabacum
  • dulc. dulcamara
  • verat. veratrum album
  • eup-p. euperatorium perfoliatum

The homeopathic home and travel pharmacy

The very practical and workable booklet, " The homeopathic home and travel pharmacy" by Pieter Jorritsma, is a "must"! In addition to basic medical subject matter, in which you can read in detail what each drug essentially has in terms of possibilities, you can also very easily search in the clear list of syndromes and finally a directory in which you get even more clues based on symptoms, on look for the right remedy! Register immediately for the Masterclass "Heal yourself with Homeopathy"

Basic + and Basic ++

But we have added something extra, which should certainly not be missing from the homeopathy first aid box ( basic+ ) and is only available from us! And that is the herbal tincture Easing Balance from CBD & Herb. This herbal tincture is also called natural aspirin , but without the harmful side effects of regular aspirin. For more background and information about this tincture, read our blog: "Easing Balance, a natural alternative for pain complaints and more!"

In addition to the Easing Balance, the first aid box homeopathy, basic ++ also contains a jar of CBD Spain skin care . This cream works wonders for a fall or bump or for (burn) wounds, but also for itching, eczema or even local pain complaints!

Masterclass "Help yourself with homeopathy"

In this Masterclass, you will learn in a short time the basic principles of homeopathy and how to work with Pieter Jorritsma's booklet "Homeopathic home and travel pharmacy" and where and when you can use the different remedies. Super fun and educational. This Masterclass is for everyone, but especially recommended if you have small children. In addition to homeopathy, many naturopathic tips and tricks! Take your health and that of your children and animals into your own hands today!

The Masterclass is given by Classical homeopath Christine de Vogel .

Drops: n/a

Suitable for: Internal use

Do you have a question?

As always, we will be happy to answer your questions and comments.